Thursday, April 28, 2011

Important People Of The Reinassance

William Shakespeare
William Shakespare was born on April 23, 1564, in Stratford-on-Avon. He traveled to London to work on becoming an actor. He was apart of the Globe, which was the most famous theatre. He beacome the most popular dramitist, but he looked mainly to poetry not playwriting.He wrote The Sonnets of Shakespeare which consisted of 154 sonnets. He also wrote 30 plays mainly in the four categories: histories, comedies, tragedies, and romances. Wrote Romeo and Juliet, in 1596. Wrote for plays such as: Julius Ceaser, Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, and Anthony and Cleopatra. Only 18 plays were actually publised. He died on April 23, 1616.

Albert Durer
Albert was born in the city of Nuremberg on May 21, 1471. His family were Hungarian goldsmiths. During his lifetime he made three long trips: in 1494 and from 1505-1507 to Italy, and from 1520-1521 to Antwerp and the Netherlands. He was an author and he painted and engraved. He did engravings that showed Holy scenes following the Reformation of the Bible.

Inigo Jones
The time of Inigo Jones was known as the Inigo Jones Period.Inigo Jones and his followers we known for building and desigining masions built during the early Renaissance.He raised English architecture from its decline after the failure under the rule of James I. He also created an elevated and purified school. His art helped other artists perfect their techniques.

Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo was an important person of art during the Renaissance. He left an amazing legacy in his paintings and in his engineering also. He had works such as the Mona Lisa and Sto John the Baptist. His work influenced the Renaissance movement and influenced two artists in particular Michaelangelo and Rapahel. His ideas as well as extraordinary techniques he showed his paintings and sculptures ensured his reputation.

The Characteristics Of The Reinassance

Renaissance means rebirth. It refers especially to the rebirth of learning that began in Italy in the fourteenth century spread to the north including England by the sixteenth century and ended in the north in the mid-seventeenth.During this period there was an enormous renewal of interest in and study of classical antiquity.

But it was not just a rebirth of the old to the new it was also an age of new discoveries (in land) and intellectually. Both of the discoveries offered a tremendous change for the western civilization. In science Copernicus attempted to prove that the sun was the center of the universe not the earth. In religion Martin Luther challenge and ultimately caused a division in one of the most important and major institution of times the church.
 Study of the Renaissance might well center on five interrelated issues.First although Renaissance thinkers often tried to associate themselves with classical antiquity and to dissociate themselves from the Middle Ages important continuities with their recent past such as belief in the Great Chain of Being were still much in evidence.Second during this period certain significant political changes were taking place. Third some of the noblest ideals of the period were best expressed by the movement known as Humanism.Fourth and connected to Humanist ideals, was the literary doctrine of imitation important for its ideas about how literary works should be created.Finally what later probably became an even more far-reaching influence both on literary creation and on modern life in general, was the religious movement known as the Reformation.

Monday, March 7, 2011

How does Technology Impact Your Everyday Life?

Technology is something that is very important in our lifes because now without technology I think that we can live without it. Technology has turn indispensable in our lifes.

Computers we use it for everything like looking for information that we need, playing games or seeing our social webs like FaceBook or Hi5. 
Television has become so famous that everyone has one because its so weird to find someone that don't have one or that they don't watch television and specially kids love to watch television.
Ipod's I have see that like maybey 90% of the teenagers have one because teenagers and also kid's or adults love to have an ipod for listening to music or for watching videos and other things.
Blackberry Movil is a new electronnic device that now day's every teen have one because they find it very cool and because it have everything on it but not only teencager's have also adult's and now day's you can see little kid's that have one!

So yes technology has become indispensable for our lifes now day's I think that I can't live without technology it would be so hard to you to try to live wihout technology because for my own opinion I think that we depend on technology.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Islamic FOOD

Muslims follow dietary laws that are similar to Jewish kosher regulations. Foods that Muslims can eat are called Halal. Prohibited foods are called Haram and questionable foods are called Mashbooh.

In the meantime please note the following very general points:
Anything from a pig, meat and by-products etc, are all haraam.
Drinking alcohol is haraam.
Halal animals should be slaughtered according to Islamic law. Many towns now have a halal butchers shop.
If a halal animal, eg cow, is not slaughtered in accordance with Islamic law then the meat becomes haraam for Muslims.
Carrion is haraam.

2635. Certain parts of the halal animals are haraam to eat. They are fourteen:
Male and female genitals
Pituitary gland, a ductless gland in the brain
The arrow which is in the spinal cord
The two wide (yellow) nerves which are on both sides of the spinal cord, (as an obligatory precaution).
Gall bladder
Urinary bladder
Eye balls

Fenugreek ( hulbah ) it is reported that Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) once said "If my people knew what there is in Fenugreek, the would have bought and paid it weight in gold." Fenugreek seeds are also known for their anti-diabetic property.

 => Delicious Spicy Fried Rice with vegetables and chicken meat.

Bao Du is a famous snack out of the local snacks in Beijing.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Rubén Darío

The 5 pillar's of Islam

The testimony of Faith;
The testimony of faith is saying with conviction, La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadur rasoolu Allah.”  This saying means “There is no true god (deity) but God (Allah), and Muhammad is the Messenger (Prophet) of God.”
The first part means that none has the right to be worshippped but God alone and that God has neither partner or son.

Muslims perform 5 prayers a day.
Prayers are performed at dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset, and night.  A Muslim may pray almost anywhere, such as in fields, offices, factories, or universities.

Giving ZAKAT;
The meaning of the word ZAKAT is PURIFICATION and GROWTH. Giving zakat means ‘giving a specified percentage on certain properties to certain classes of needy people.’ 

Fasting the Month of Ramadan;
Every year in the month of Ramadan,all Muslims fast from dawn until sundown, abstaining from food, drink, and sexual relations.

The pilgrimage to MAKKAH;
The annual pilgrimage to Makkah is an obligation to do once in a lifetime for those who have a physically and financially able to perform it.