Monday, March 7, 2011

How does Technology Impact Your Everyday Life?

Technology is something that is very important in our lifes because now without technology I think that we can live without it. Technology has turn indispensable in our lifes.

Computers we use it for everything like looking for information that we need, playing games or seeing our social webs like FaceBook or Hi5. 
Television has become so famous that everyone has one because its so weird to find someone that don't have one or that they don't watch television and specially kids love to watch television.
Ipod's I have see that like maybey 90% of the teenagers have one because teenagers and also kid's or adults love to have an ipod for listening to music or for watching videos and other things.
Blackberry Movil is a new electronnic device that now day's every teen have one because they find it very cool and because it have everything on it but not only teencager's have also adult's and now day's you can see little kid's that have one!

So yes technology has become indispensable for our lifes now day's I think that I can't live without technology it would be so hard to you to try to live wihout technology because for my own opinion I think that we depend on technology.