Thursday, January 20, 2011

CNN - Brooklyn Decker

 Brooklyn Decker, 23, admits to struggling with her body confidence.
When she was younger she admits that she was insecure abou beign  gangly and having no shape. She also say that when she was younger people made fun of her and called her boy. And because of that she pray everyday to have boobs and a butt.But luckily when she grew up she start to have curves but when she start modelling she wish to have the body of Gisele.
So she became obcess with her body she start to have crazy diets to lost weight because she wasn't happy with her body, but after her dad made an invertion to stop her of havind that obcession with the diets and her body.
Now she eats everything and she love to eat chocolate,candy's and more thing's that contain sugar now she really doesn't care about the  diets because she is happy with her weight! 

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