Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My craziest experience in a shopping mall

My craziest experience was in a shopping mall called LA CAÑADA is in Spain (Marbella).
I was buying clothes with my mum and in somewhere there when I looked around I don't see my mum and I asked myself where is my mum? I start to look where she was and I didn't saw her I was getting out of my nerves because alway's when we together shopping she dessapeared..and when I found her she start to (regañarme)..well like I say before I start to look where she was..and LA CAÑADA is a big shopping mall. Well I don't find her and I start to run up stairs down stairs and still I didn't saw her..the most stupid thing it was that I enter in some stores and in one that I enter I hit myself with the glass doors! Running because I didn't notice there was a glass door. Well after like an hour and a half I listen that they were calling me from the speaker and it was my mum that was looking for me..and people were like looking for a girl with my description and I din't notice...that all the hour that I was looking for my mum she was looking for me and the people to. It was random and finally when I see her she was sofocated. 

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